The Must Have Cheat Sheet to Take You From Automatic to Manual Mode on Your DSLR Camera

Do you struggle when it comes to knowing what to put your settings to in a bright or dark lit area? Well this cheat sheet will give you the settings to succeed in any lighting situation! 

Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Camera?

I'm Ready. Send it to me!

Download the Cheat Sheet Now and Get the Details on How to Shoot in Manual Mode, Including:

  • What to put your settings at when you are in a bright OR dark lighting situation.
  • What to set your aperture to depending on the amount of people in your photo. 
  • The number your shutter speed should never go below.

Hey there! I'm Nicole... 

I am a wife and mother of two boys. When I'm not working at my full-time job as a Radiation Therapist or chasing the boys around making memories, I am behind my camera creating memories for others! 

I started my photography journey back in 2013 and it has been thriving ever since and I want that for you too! I spent over $10k in education over the years and I want to share everything I've learned with you! 


Almost there!

Enter your name and best e-mail address to get your free Cheat Sheet to take you from AUTO to MANUAL mode.