Are you an aspiring photographer looking to improve your skills?
Hello :) I am so glad you are here! I have many educational resources for you to dive into from blog posts, freebies, and online courses. If you want to get started on improving your photography skills and stay up to date on new weekly resources, sign up below for my newsletter.
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Get my FREE Manual Mode Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet is designed to be printed and kept in your camera bag so that you can refer to it if you become stuck. It outlines what your manual mode settings should begin at in bright light situations and dark lighting situations. It also gives tips on what aperture you should set according to how many people are in your photo. Download now to ease your anxiety at your next shoot.
Ready to take action and create scroll stopping photos?
Browse through the available courses and coaching programs
Nicole Anne Photography provide to aspiring photographers.

The Photographer Formula -
A Beginner's Guide
This course will help you learn the settings on your camera, take great photos and edit them like a pro using Lightroom.
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Hi there, I'm Nicole
I help aspiring photographers uplevel their skills and create the business they've been dreaming of.
My photography journey began back in 2013 when I purchased my first DSLR camera to bring with me while I traveled throughout Africa and Europe. After I got back from my 4 month adventure, I decided that I wanted to see if I could make some side money doing photography.
I ordered some photography books and watched SO many YouTube videos. I eventually found a few mentors that helped lead the way to the successful business I run today.
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How to Price your Photography Service
I get a lot of questions regarding pricing a photography session. It is not as black and white as it may seem. I put together this PDF guide to help each of you determine a fair price to be charging your clients. This can also work for products you may sell.